Could Image Proof Create a Fairer World for Visual Creators?
Photographers and image creators are faced with the same dilemma: With the ever-increasing popularity of social media and the rise in online sharing culture, how can authorship details for visual works be preserved?
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How Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) Can Help Digital Creators Prove Ownership
We live in a world of online sharing and collaboration. Digital creations are shared with fans, co-workers and customers with a simple mouse click or finger tap, giving all recipients instant access to the digital works itself. The internet has made the distribution of any digital creation super-effective. Where it lacks efficiency, however, is in the area of ownership and rights protection. Particularly in the context of collaborative projects, take for instance the production of a music video, numerous individual digital assets form the ingredients. Photos, music creations and recordings, and video clips containing footage that may or may not actually make it into the final production are shared and submitted by collaborators. Formal registration of ownership and copyright tends to be reserved for the final product only, leaving the "ingredient" digital works relatively unprotected.
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Do You Need Help Protecting Trade Secrets?
Regardless of the industry you work in, there are always going to be trade secrets - confidential information such as documentation about processes or algorithms, a business plan, a client list or competitive intelligence. Should such information ever fall into unauthorised hands, you may not be able to claim damages unless you can prove that the confidential data was in your possession in the first place. In itself, the requirement to evidence your trade secret history appears to contradict the imperative of how confidential information needs to be treated: To keep it secret.
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Proving Your Copyright: Can You Date and Timestamp Your Work?
Whenever copyright disputes and claims arise, there is always one issue which emerges – the matter of date and time of creation. While one party can claim against another if they protest they are copying their intellectual property, they will always need to make sure they have appropriate proof to show that they can back themselves up.
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Proof of Publication in the Education Sector - Is Your School Doing Enough?
As if schools, colleges, and universities don’t already have enough on their plates, they also need to make sure they list proof of publication for a variety of different standards. For example, the government requires schools in the UK to publish exam results and more besides – as this helps to build up to a crucial picture of how your establishment performs and will help to show potential new families why you are the best option in their local area.
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Are You Protecting Your Social Brand Enough?
It is safe to say that more and more businesses and brands are built online than ever before. As well as through bespoke websites and online advertising, we are making sure our customers know who we are and what we stand for through extensive social media accounts. Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or YouTube, your social media can become your personality online. This is all the more reason why it’s crucial to protect yourself and your image as much as you possibly can.
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Still Using Physical Paper Trails? It's Time to Upgrade
Technology is always going to have a habit of marching on. As it happens, much of your business likely takes place online nowadays – therefore, while plenty of businesses and entrepreneurs still use paper trails to back themselves up, it is fast becoming a bit of an unnecessary measure. What court in the land is going to stand up to you if you don't have any kind of digital trail or evidence for what's rightfully yours? It sounds harsh, but it’s true – there are plenty of reasons why just having physical documents to hand to back up your IP is no longer enough. The same applies to compliance proof, too. Why should you upgrade to digital evidence as a priority?
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Could Competitive Monitoring Be an Asset to Your Business?
In any line of business, it is not only healthy to keep an eye on the competition, it is recommended! Otherwise, it can be difficult to know whether or not you are doing enough to appeal to the people you really want to reach out to. When you are running an online store, for example, you might not know if the sales you are running are doing enough to appeal to people’s deal-hungry natures, or if you are actually undercutting yourself in the long run.
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Reputation Isn't Everything - Or Is It?
You’re a public figure, celebrity, or run a popular brand or business. Things are going great. You’re making money, building presence, and your PR strategies are ensuring your name is hitting the newswire in the best possible way. However, good press can only go so far, and for that reason, it’s tempting to fall into a period of complacency. Even if you’re riding high on a variety of successes and successful moments, it can only take a slight misfire or a counter-claim to bring your success toppling down again.
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I Can Protect My IP Myself - Can't I?
When you first start out in business, or when you first create intellectual property, it’s understandable that you’re likely to want to protect it at all costs. After all, who knows your work better than yours truly? However, there is certainly no shame in reaching out for help and support, and in the modern age, it’s actually encouraged.
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3 Good Reasons to Back Yourself Up
Regardless of the type of business you run, whether you are a public figure, or if you are in the public eye for any other reason, it has gotten more and more important for you to back yourself up. In recent blogs, we’ve looked at specific ways in which you might wish to protect your IP, your copyright, and to even prove that you are abiding by specific regulations and controls.
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Is Your Business Showing Clear Enough Compliance?
When you run an international firm or business, it’s crucial to ensure that you keep in line with various policies and statutes. Otherwise, you could fall foul of international legislation. Having a compliance system in place not only ensures that your company falls in line with corporate expectations, but that you are providing evidence of your own code of ethics.
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Why Backing Your Brand Is Crucial
The moment you set up a brand or product line, you are going to need to start protecting it. But how easy is this to do in the modern age? Before you are able to copyright and protect your product line through law, you are going to need to ensure you have backing, and proof that your ideas are your own.
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Tired of Your Photos Getting Zero Credit? Here's What to Do
Photographers are some of the most relied-upon artists online. The art of photography is something that’s never faded away, and the fact is, news articles and websites are dependent on great photos to appeal to visitors and customers alike. That’s all well and good – but what about credit where credit’s due?
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Are You Protecting Yourself Enough Against Fake News?
In the past few years, fake news has become nothing short of a phenomenon. With social media and networks such as Facebook becoming a leading way for people to share breaking news stories, it’s safe to say that the lines between what’s real and what’s fake are starting to blur. There are two side-products of this phenomenon – one, of course, is that readers will struggle to realise what is real and what is fake.
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