Web Commodore Digital Proof Token
Digital Proof Verification
Validate Digital Proof Registration

Scan for Digital Proof
Drag & Drop Original File to Scan
Digital Proof Token Verification

Digital Proof Tokens serve as evidence that you were in possession of the underlying digital file at the precise time when the token was generated.

Web Commodore securely stores Digital Proof Tokens on your behalf, but you can also use Digital Proof Token files downloaded and stored by you.

Digital Proof Tokens are also registered on the public blockchain.

At any time, you can look up the Digital Proof Token and verify its validity. This verification will only succeed for files that have not been altered in any way.

Once verified, you can optionally download a digital proof certificate to print in hardcopy format.

To look up the Digital Proof Token for a source file and verify its validity, drag and drop the unaltered file into the area above or click the area to select the file.