Image Licensing allows you to make your images registered with Image Proof available for licensing. You are in control of the type of licensing and pricing you wish to offer.
Licensed images carry a cryptographic signature which is invisible but persistent, confirming licensed use of the image. A scan of the signed image using our Image Scanner will reveal your ownership and licensing details.
Create at least one licensing option, selecting a licence type (online or extended use) and describing the licence terms and setting a price. Your share of any licence sales is determined by your Web Commodore subscription level, which for your N/A account is %.
You can control whether licensing should be offered for each of your images by toggling the licensing icon in the Image Proof listing.
Publish the signed version of your image (downloadable from the Image Proof listing) on your website or social media, encouraging viewers to scan it with a simple drag & drop into our Image Scanner. This will reveal the licensing options and allow the viewer to purchase a licence.
You can also use our Image Info Panel plugin to automatically tag images displayed on your website.
For each licence purchase you’ll receive a confirmation email with details of the licence sold, the buyer and sales price. The buyer is offered a download link for the image signed with the licence details for their use in accordance with the specified licence terms. A scan of the licensed image using the Image Scanner will reveal the licence details (to verify authorised use) as well as your ownership of the image and the option to purchase another licence.
You can pause the availability of any or all of your configured licensing options by toggling the Live status. To amend the licence description of pricing, create a new licence option and pause the old one.
All sold licences are registered in the GoChain public blockchain where they can be independently verified.